💬General💬 in The Ricky Mouse Community

[Post text goes here]

Bugs be gone

beta test time

game will probably get released today or tomorrow morning

I'm so sorry to say this but we have to delay the game by 3 days, the reason is because with it being easter, it slowed down the process for lol dev and besides we have to still test the game so yeah. I'm so sorry I hope you can forgive me

Random DickDick Render

FNaTI 2 OR Prototype File Restoration
And yes, these are the official models

A surprise from out of the blue
Credit @Malrat_ under any use of these files

Fun Fact about Radiance's CaTI

Finishing this? maybe.

Castway Cay Donald

Forgot to say this but I got logged out of my account so I had to make a new discord account. So if you want to be friends, I’ll tell you my name on discord

Since Obiltus caca is almost done, I decided to do some changes with the thumbnail, banner, and story.