general in The SSN Community

"What is this?" Well, it's a type of AU from SSN, as it says in the logo (I did my best to "What is this?" Well, it's a type of SSN AU, as it says in the logo (I did my best to recreate the original logo) "Strange Sunday Night"
a message for Everyone (Also, a help for @NatalieBrazelton)
to tell the fans to stop wishing that i make this update)
(Warning: Swearing)
V2 Update is canceled, here's why

Jolly Paradox Discord server

New Poster:
SSN VS. Anime Josue:
"Thursday Midnight Savage"
(August 2023)

SSN: Thursday Midnight Savage
(Chapter 1 -I Am Savage)
(Coming Soon V2 Weeks 2 & 3)
(Snowflake & Selene)
For @SeleneLpsgjfnf

Click Your Comments:
@NatalieBrazelton @Luigi_SSN_Mario @SeleneLpsgjfnf
@Nova_Gitz @NiceVioletAyoobDeezNuts @VisualLiam12
SSN VS. Anime Josue:
"Thursday Midnight Savage"

@NatalieBrazelton @Luigi_SSN_Mario
Savage Josue Chromatic Samples
"Thursday Midnight Savage"
Click Your Comments And We Need Help!
I'm starting to realize that SSN Chocolate is my favorite SSN AU.