OG Chars in 💯The EXE Community💯
Once i have your soul we will play forever :)
cancelled gamebreaker cover for sega's lost concept (scrapped soulles dx collab)
It's here, it's finally here!, here's the Invader spritesheet Nerds ;) - Sillie Willy
here is the official design of the d-side version of invader, the name of the d-side version is fusion.espio.
here is my newest exe, say hello to chiptune it is from an animated sonic web-series where there were all the characters from the franchise, the series was released on newgrounds in 2009 and featured a character called chiptune ;D
I am pleased to say that Invader is having its own mod, the mod is called the red sunset (yes, that canceled mod in which the gen.rom would be the main opponent is back and now with invader being the main opponent of the mod.)
(the old description was outdated, read the article with the new lore.)
ok, before you all say anything, this "semi-exe" was created 2 days ago, so if you say that this "semi-exe" was created today, shut up
here is my retake of chaotix, "their" name is ice and volcano, ice and volcano are the broken data from feels/Max that ended up in sonic 3 & knuckles and replaced sonic, they are the same character but with different personalities.
new Nes.ERR Render =D (original = first art + alt = second art)