Why are you posting here man?
Please sign the petition here:
Valve has betrayed us long enough, empty promises, poorly made decisions, and pointless fixes. These bots need to be plunged into the depths of hell, never to return.
A little test, don't mind the ringing.
So tbh I forgot about this so here it is now the eyes drawing fully coloured
I've always hated how it seems like people are just trying to find some sort of entertainment, be it games or show, to just fucking dump on.
Yeah, okay, I get it "thing bad" but I don't need to hear it about EVERYTHING
(Rant in article)
I decided to remake the Head Radio logo from GTA2, because I kinda wanted to
Just came out to my mom, feeling good
This is a message to all the people seeing this post to listen to some acid jazz NOW!