All Posts in Paws Sentinel Order Hideout

Have fun! You're safe with us

Zedd, a combination of my fursona, Redd the rat, and @ZeXtorm 's fursona, Zeck the fox.

Just some random schoolnpics

New goober alert

I posted straight from my tablet.

Anyway this is the color palette I randomly chose for my animation with audio project, it just so happens to be an ad for a made up animal charity


What shall I call em?

Idek what gender they are lmfao

Its been up for 1 fucking day...

Heheh :3

Im not a therian (idk yet at least) but it does make me feel proud X3


VS Special Pizza's Funkin!

idfk what this is tbh lol

I do, technically could be a half one

Im posting specifically in this channel (refering to therian one :P) bcuz I do too :3

Ngl I miiiight be a therian... I'm not sure.

Regardless I am a massive supporter X3 (don't think you'll get much of me tbf

i finished my other mask finally-
you can change her earrings!