general in Freddy’s Unwanted Community

Aight what ones would you like to hear and in what order?
I’ve got a few audio recordings I made of myself singing the lyrics to a few fnf songs (they’re not great) if ya wanna see em lemme know I have 5 videos so feel free to let me know what ones you’d be interested in seein.

Don’t know why this happened but cool I guess?

A game suggested by @LEFTYPLAYSYT
five nights TD - Roblox
Bigw1nner55 is my user if you wish to add me.
Howdy! Just wanted to check in on all of you guys see how you’re doing remember to love yourself, hydrate, eat and I wanna ask y’all something. What content would you like to see?
I already have stuff like gameplay n shit planned but what else? Lemme know
Howdy everyone! Just doin a quick favour for someone
@FrostfangVR is potentially going to be a featured creator at vidcon in Baltimore! So keep an eye out for their booth at the event!

Thanks to @TheOnlyGeorge for the mendos!
I now have every suit and cpu!
Next in the agenda: all the icons until the next event!

The remaining walty I had on my map dropped this so thanks I assume @TheOnlyGeorge even tho it had the username be LeftyPlaysYT on forsaken.
Tbh can’t think of anything rn but there’s plenty of good choices

First thanks to @TheOnlyGeorge for walty. He was a huge pain to get so thanks so much.
Second I have 3 mendo icons. Classic, remade and 3d