Gaming in Virtual Reality

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Gore warning: did i do good?

An Enigmatic Encounter

Undertale: Last Breath

Hi guys right now I am on the school bus I just wanted to tell y'all that I got banned🚫 on gorilla tag yesterday after I posted this 👉🏻 for four weeks for being toxic and all I did was call a annoying little kid a wussy

Monkey Blocks Is a Mess


Little funny video

does anyone want to make a gorilla tag video together


Primary colour challenge


I don't know what to title these upcoming uploads, but I can say that overall beat saber has majorly upped their game in difficulty so that was fun


Ain't no way little bro got scared to 1v1 me that he didn't join


Hey Mama


more tech practice because (I updated my beatsaber which means no reesabers since I didn't update my subscription)