post somethin!

Iโ€™ve got an announcement

Iโ€™m gonna make posters in SFM a lot now, sometimes cursed, sometimes actually good, who knows.

Some Skirbos lore

This is a Kirby OC I've been working on. I was inspired by @Hero-Knight and @SuperWA-HOOMan 's Kirby Characters and I ended up drawing my own!

This is Noctua Knight! (or Kor Noctua). He's based on the Noctua Constellation and The Owl Nebula~

I kinda messed up the head strap but I tried ;w;. For @SuperWA-HOOMan

9 may not be much, but still, I expected 0 members, so thatโ€™s pretty good

To show appreciation to all the people who fill my feed with cool posts and epic art, I drew them in one big group photo with my mascot, Nova!

This was also an excuse to draw everybody's characters together! Such cool designs-

I @ the peeps in da pic~

community for me. cool

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