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Why Game Jolt was down for 23 minutes and what it means for homeland security. Should you be worried?

hello there ! what are you thinking about this website I made ?

I'm affraid it's too badly optimized.

And also: epilepsy warning

do you guys like webdev

Something I did by myself during quarantine This is a animated random gradient :)

Code Masters will have a HTML Playable File, I just need to know how do convert a executable into a html file?

LOQUACIOUS is stable, the basic features are usable, the site is available here!

Official GameChat Webpage

Working on the setup page

The first time you log in, after verifying your email, you'll be sent to a special page to set up basic stuff for you account. A profile picture, a display name, a bio and a color theme!

So far, it's looking pretty nice! :)

Last year, I programmed my Christmas calendar for my family and will do the same next Christmas

(Holy moly installing SSL is the worst)

Anyways the very first version of LOQUACIOUS is up! (for testing only)