General in WiKi Studios GameJolt Community
What’s this? A callout to the fans as a way to appear in an upcoming GamerRaven episode for next year? Why, yes! Yes it is!
- Make a joke about the worst game you've ever played
- Time limit is 30 seconds
- Must be 16:9 aspect ratio
Sorry for not being on here recently. Hurricane Beryl just hit where I live and we are currently stuck without power for like several days so currently in short it’s been actual hell. Hopefully the power comes back on soon.
#GJAsks So, this one time I was playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii and I was on the first level of the game. And I decided to go rushing it. As a result, I died on the first goomba of the level.
Step 1: Make a Windows XP Virtualbox.
Step 2: Make the background a drawing where you use the amazing funnie number.
Step 3: Profit.