Post something that Xubur will like

you should follow NaterTaterP0tato ( @Nater_ ) right now frfr
hes kinda cool

Mezzo's Hot Takes because i need a way to post stuff more often #2

If you think it's okay to be blasphemous or derogatory about Jesus or any other religious figure/founder solely because you don't believe in any faith, re-evaluate yourself

Mezzo's Hot Takes because i need a way to post stuff more often #1

fnaf 2 is the best fnaf game in the series


Just barely recorded the reaction👌🏽

After 2 years, the full game is released.

Welcome to Xubur's Silly Community on Game Jolt!

I don't care what you post here as long as it's not gross or something that's against Game Jolt TOS.

I check this community pretty frequently, so if you make a post you want me to see, be sure to put it here.

Community PFP made by @Reapzer .

People in the banner: @BluRabbit , @TurtleBoard , @Bizzaro-Sundae , @AGG9 , @-Little_Devil_Darling- , @sirtoat , and @Cacpichu .


(Image by @V01DR4BB1T )

#xuburnation #xubursupremacy #xuburcollaborator

Report A community for 11 months