Galleryy in Gooey Place

Share your creations!

CogValley project

I need NPC/side character ideas

Only rules that fits a futuristic wild west theme

Can be humans, robots, and anthropomorphic beings as well.

In the mean time have a mini reveal

Welcome to Spine's Saloon

New sona design sheet coming on June, in the mean time have some doodles as a WIP

Así me gusta!!

Hypercharged Shelly skin concept

Which member of the Ranger Trio should get a Hypercharged concept?!

A new project I've been working on for quite some time now, only sketches for now nothing certain.

It may be a comic, a web series or a game, I haven't decided yet.

But keep your surroundings sharp partner for Project Cog Valley

lol, I missed ENA day yesterday (again) so here's some ena art