Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip

I'm not ganna be on this site as much as much as I was before, I'm going to spend more time on discord for now on.

If any of you want to join my server, please click the link in the article below.


Version 2.0.0 release

★_-[The Descent Update]-_★


I get da feeling Yip is not perfect yet, I might give him a 3.0 to test myself if I can do better.


Yip be sittin.

Yip do what he do.


Yip is male if you din't know. I've been asked what his gender is for 3 months now.

I have haves a iwodinweodfreingsorngiohtnto-

For you guys that really like Yip, don't know who Yip is? Here's your answer.


Also check out my official community thank you :)

@fankyfower owner
Report A community for 7 months