Game API Documentation


A batch request is a collection of sub-requests that enables developers to send multiple API calls with one HTTP request.

When you construct the URL for a batch request, it can become quite long. Because of this, you can send the request via POST data instead of GET. However, you're also free to pass it as a GET request.

URL Endpoint



Name Required? Type Description
game_id Yes string The ID of your game.
parallel No boolean By default, each sub-request is processed on the servers sequentially. If this is set to true, then all sub-requests are processed at the same time, without waiting for the previous sub-request to finish before the next one is started.
break_on_error No boolean If this is set to true, one sub-request failure will cause the entire batch to stop processing subsequent sub-requests and return a value of false for success.
requests[] Yes string[] An array of sub-request URLs. Each request will be executed and the responses of each one will be returned in the payload. You must URL-encode each sub-request.


Name Type Description
success boolean Whether the request succeeded or failed.
Example: true
message string If the request was not successful, this contains the error message.
Example: Unknown fatal error occurred.

Sub-Request Construction

When making a batch call, you pass in multiple sub-requests in one request. This allows you to do cool things like setting multiple keys at once in the data store.

To start, you must construct each sub-request. After that, you'll package each sub-request into the main batch API call.

One sub-request would look similar to this:


As you can see, it is constructed the same way as a single-call URL, but with the URL of the Game API and the API version removed.

Because sub-requests are passed into a main request, you need to make sure their parameters are sanitized. To do that, you must URL-encode each sub-request before adding it into the main batch call.

Many programming libraries have a urlencode function or something similar that will do this for you. You can use the following website to encode and test your sub-request calls:

Our example sub-request URL would look similar to the pseudo-code below:

urlencode( '/data-store/?game_id=32&key=test&signature=912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570' )

The encoded output would be:


This is now a sanitized sub-request URL that can be used in the main request API call.

Next, you have to attach the sub-request to the requests[] parameter. The finalized sub-request would be:


Finally, you join all your sub-request parameters together with &.

Multiple sub-request parameters joined together would look like this:


Main URL Construction

After you have your list of sub-requests, you need to attach it to a batch URL request. That would look like this:[]=%2Fdata-store%2F%3Fgame_id%3D32%26key%3Dtest%26signature%3D912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570&requests[]=%2Fdata-store%2F%3Fgame_id%3D32%26key%3Dtest%26signature%3D912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570

You would then construct your signature for the entire batch call like normal. After constructing the signature for the batch call, your final URL would be:[]=%2Fdata-store%2F%3Fgame_id%3D32%26key%3Dtest%26signature%3D912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570&requests[]=%2Fdata-store%2F%3Fgame_id%3D32%26key%3Dtest%26signature%3D912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570&signature=912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570


  • The maximum amount of sub requests in one batch request is 50.
  • Dump format is not supported in batch calls.
  • The parallel and break_on_error parameters cannot be used in the same request.
  • For more information on how to use the batch request, visit the Construction page.

break_on_error Parameter

By default, if a sub-request fails, the rest of the sub-requests in the batch call will still be executed. If your sub-requests are dependent on each other, you can set break_on_error to true. This parameter will stop the rest of the batch from being processed when one sub-request produces an error.

This can be useful if, for example, you want to check if a key is set before updating it. It could also be useful if you're adding a score and then updating a data storage item based on that score, because you would only want to set the data storage item if the score was successfully added.

parallel Parameter

By default, sub-requests in a batch call are processed in sequence. If your sub-requests don't need to be called sequentially, you can set parallel to true. All of your sub-requests will be run at the same time, which results in much faster returns than a non-parallel request would produce. This is handy if you're setting several data storage items at once, or if you're retrieving data from multiple endpoints.



Version history

Version Description
1.2 First implementation