Game API Documentation

API Errors

Every API response comes with a success field that indicates whether the request was a success.
If the request was not successful, the response also includes a message field, which indicates what went wrong with the request so you can debug it.

Each endpoint has its own set of errors than can occur when used incorrectly, and all endpoints share a set of basic request errors.

Shared errors

These errors are shared by all endpoints.

Affected parameter Description Error message
-none- Something unexpected has happened Unknown fatal error occurred.
signature No signature parameter passed in You must enter a signature with your request.
signature Invalid signature The signature you entered for the request is invalid.
game_id Invalid/Empty game_id The game ID you passed in does not point to a valid game.

User request related errors

Certain endpoints can perform user scoped requests by passing the username and user_token parameters.
When they do, these user related errors can occur:

Affected parameter Description Error message
username / user_token No user info passed in, but it is required OR
username / user_token doesn't match any user
No such user with the credentials passed in could be found.
username / user_token No user info passed in OR
user with incorrect permissions passed to restricted data store key
This key has restrictions placed on it. Please pass in a restriction user with valid permissions.

Endpoint specific errors

Each endpoint might have specific errors.
To get information about these errors, visit the endpoint's API page.