Comments (19)
so basically this is your version of
"Chaos at Treasure Island", correct?
Is this a concept game? It's going to be PEAK!
this game does not get enough support with the amount of work your putting into this
If someone dares to beat the max mode of this game (Ultimate Nightmare) they're a LITERRAL FNATI MASTER.
Can i be a VA?
Discord: Ofc_Sim_Naum

Your name is Jake Smith. It's been a year since you've fully recovered from the events of Treasure Island. One night, you fall into a deep sleep. You find yourself in Treasure Island yet again, and you can't seem to wake up. If you want to escape this nightmare, you must face those things....one. last. time.

You've heard of Nightmare and True Nightmare, Now get ready for Ultimate Nightmare! Treasure Island: Ultimate Nightmare is a UCN style game that features the characters from FNATI. It was originally a Scratch project with the name of FNATI: Ultimate Custom Night. The old game only had the classic characters, but now this new version has the characters from various games such as FNATI 6.5 and Oblitus Casa. The game has over 100 characters as well! Can you beat the Ultimate Nightmare challenge?

@King892 - Creator
@NICERIO_BEDO and @Moon978
- Some Models
@Ci8s - Tester
@RadianceGamesOfficial - Owner of FNATI
@Malrat_ - All of his FNATI Fangames (LTSB, OR, TEoD, etc)
@StellaWisps - NBD
@SqueaksDCorgeh - Breaking the Magic
@AnArt1996 - Creator of FNATI
@Mouse-avi and @cs888901
- Inspiration
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language