
Sonic.exe The Unknown Experiment Reworked Beta Coming Soon
https://m.gjcdn.net/fireside-post-image/800/25892092-ll-acmrv9qq-v4.webp https://m.gjcdn.net/fireside-post-image/800/25892096-ll-i55g3imu-v4.webp https://m.gjcdn.net/fireside-post-image/500/25892100-ll-7bcyfgps-v4.webp tails knuckles and metal sonic also dr eggman-dr robotnik and also the guys thats gotta make the sonic.564 Reworked beta game the helpers are @CjSeguin the static helper @K_A
the background and the coding helper @RegendHat-EXE
the animation helper @MrPixelGames
the picture helper and the gore helper @SAJADGAMER
the lightling helper @BurningFire08
the blood splatter and dripping also burning tails in the fire helper and also @pedrostudio
with the tails eye droping and go up and down also rowling and beta tester and @WhiteFRIE The Voice Of Sonic.564 @ClassicTaiIs The Voice Of Tails And @NotSoDevyJolt
The Voice Of Knuckles and the Engine fixer and maker And @DrIvoeggmanRobotnik The Voice Of Robotnik And @jaycobzakai
Another Beta Tester @TurboTH_Official
The Voice Of Metal Sonic And Thats It :-) Coming Soon #fangame #gore #pixel #horror