
Comments (1)

What do you think?

YES! , I am gonna wait for release.

30 Floors to Freedom is a dungeon rpg. You pick from three characters and your goal is to make it to the 30th floor. Along the way you earn points to buy items that will help in your journey. Be careful if you die it's game over.

Mild Fantasy Violence

Level up screen has now been implemented. You'll be able to see how much experience you have after a battle. This will be in the new update that will be uploaded today. Thank you for your time and support.

Updates will be slow for a bit. I'm busy with school now and can only work on it when I have the time. Thank you foe understanding.

New minor patch out. Fixed issue with enemies not appearing.

Hi there everyone, coming at you with a late night release. Below is some in depth changes as well as what I plan on working on as we inch closer to the final release. There is also a post on my game page where you can report bugs.

New demo should be up tomorrow or Monday, I've been a little busy with college things. All I have left is new enemy balancing. For future reference with every new demo release you'll need to download the game again. Thank you for your time.

A new demo is coming soon. Below are some detailed fixes as well as what is being worked on.

Hello everyone. I hope your day was good. Next week I'll be adding monsters to the 3rd dungeon and adding it to the demo as well as more fixes. After that gets done the game will officially be at 50% completion. Thank you for your time.

Hello again everyone. A new version of my demo is now available. It contains enemy health fixes, weapon damage fixes, shops added to before boss fights, walking on object glitches, and a crashing issue. Thank you for your time.

I'll be working on some game fixes next week. Some things that I'll be doing is lowering enemy health, making weapons stronger, and putting stores before boss fights. One thing I won't be doing is adding the ability to save. Thank you for your time.

If you encouter bugs or have suggestions reply to this post. This will make it easier for me to organize and correct them. Thank you.