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This is just a funny joke game that im doing, thats all really. #fnaf


You play as Jenifar Smili, and being completely're broke as shit, anyways you're reading some random newspaper since you have nothing better to do, that when you find an dont care until you see that its a job that pays 1,000,000 dollars if done right, and you dont read the rest, you dial the number, get the job and boom! youll earn money in no long as nobody tries to kill you that is.

  • Me

  • Myself

  • My soul

  • My own being


  • fnati creator for da music and da M O U S E

  • Bradintwd (only because its his game and phone guy)

  • And to the oxygen keeping me alive :D

#fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Strong Language

Ran out of time to make real teasers! so youll have to take 3 teasers i made and some of the in-game screenshots (NONE OF THE IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS ARE FINAL)

Teasers of the remastered game coming tommorrow nonexistent folks!

Atention: game kinda sucks so im remaking the gosh darn thang, with that? idk, but its just a matter of time before the games back up an running, besides, the worst that could happen is a cancellation!......wait-

Since the game is in a bad state rn ill show (fyi) the old cameras and office of BIOD (3D VERSION, as the OG version drawing were deleted, plus they're recreations of the OG drawings so......)

The game has a 50% chance of getting cancelled, so dont get your hopes up, but ill try to make it work.

And the project is broken again, but this time is big, and by big, i mean that literally the ''things'' dont kill you, ill have to delay release even further, not like people actually look at these but i may aswell tell the one person seeing this, i guess

Good news, the project is now doing pretty well, got back to the point of where i lost all the progress (even made more progress), so expect the project to be realeased sometime at the end of january or the start of february. (atleast a demo or similar)

So the entire project just broke, literally, cameras didnt work and some other stuff was broken, so ill have to RESTART THE ENTIRE THING AGAIN, how cool am i right?
