Comments (1)
What an incredible journey this was. The music constantly keeping me in suspense, the voicelines reminding me how close to death I truly am, and the satisfying ending with its flashy effects. Truly a must-play for Bill and Carol fans.
Bill: Interstellar
Introducing: Bill Interstellar
Wow look its the first solo release from Sansypants!
That's right! Early this year, I decided to learn how to code for myself, so I can continue to use my ideas that inspire me to make games! Although this isn't what I've mainly been working on, I thought why not try to make a tiny lil' arcade game for fun. Well, here we are with Bill: Interstellar. [That has very little to actually do with Interstellar]

Shoot asteroids to rack up points! Big Asteroids are worth 50 points whereas Little Asteroids are worth 25. Additionally, if you shoot a big asteroid, it will split in two!
If your ship collides with an Asteroid, you will be immediately blown up into smitherines, so try to stay clear of them or just blow them up.
As for battling against another ship, you will be able to tank a total of 10 hits before going kabloom.
There are 2 powerups you can find by destroying asteroids!

For a short amount of time, you will be able to shoot multiple lasers at once out of your ships' cannons! Use this time wisely.

For a short amount of time, you become invulnerable to damage from asteroids, and enemy lasers. Be careful though, if it runs out while you're headed for an asteroid, its game over.
Original Player Ship Sprite: https://www.deviantart.com/gogoat1/art/Spaceship-spritesheet-956556333 Music/SFX: Menu: https://youtu.be/2PwGirn731U?si=DfkB_b-7hGUsPDVZ Gameplay: https://youtu.be/jtdml1cz6cE?si=6X9uVH5MtNDmo0Mg SFX Used from various sources/myself
Watch the trailer: https://youtu.be/wsMfXZa1YFk
Play Bill & Carol: https://gamejolt.com/games/bill-and-carol/522888