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This game has officially been cancelled. I want to focus on my relationship with God first rather than working on this game, I hope y'all understand.


A new Christian cross-dimensional adventure awaits!

Blessed Realities is a new cross-dimensional game, focusing on two campaigns! Play as two people unknowingly in the same situation, with both stories playing out differently.

Story Overview: Adalberto is a "normal" person. While trying to move to a new school, he crashes in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. This isn't considered a "normal" area by any means. As he gets used to the city during his stay, he learns the mystery of an object only known as the Soulhouse, with info about it being sparse. In an attempt to get back home, he must try to find the Soulhouse, with help from his new friends, Chiharu and Raffiel. Meanwhile, in another universe, Javon-Ezra gets into Adalberto's situation and has to use visions from God to his advantage when he makes it to the Bermuda Triangle, to try and prevent himself from making the same mistakes as Adalberto, while also fighting off Satan. #platformer #other #action #adventure #horror #Christian #unrealengine #indie

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mature Humor

Reveal 1: I've officially renamed to Heavenly Den! This is due to my focus on Christian products and just my focus on God as a whole now. Along with that, I didn't like my last name for the studio, and I feel as if this is a better fit for me.

The Ryuken Speaks for this year is cancelled due to lack of wanting to do it and wanting to focus on God again. Apologizes to those looking forward to it.

I'll be sharing the reveals planned to be in the show here though!!

A new era is approaching. 10/25/2023. 3 weeks.


R̷y̶u̷k̶e̴n̷ ̶M̴u̷l̷t̸i̸m̶e̵d̷i̶a̵ ̶i̷s̶ ̵n̸o̷ ̸m̸o̷r̴e̵.̴ ̴H̵i̷P̸E̷R̸K̴i̶N̵ ̵i̵s̶ ̵n̸o̸ ̸m̶o̶r̶e̷.̷ ̶M̶o̸r̵e̶ ̶w̵i̷l̴l̷ ̵b̴e̴ ̸r̵e̶v̴e̸a̸l̸e̵d̷ ̸i̶n̵ ̵d̷u̴e̷ ̷t̴i̴m̴e̵.̵

This page is gonna be revamped soon, it's really rough rn, even if it is for an in-development game with not much to show.

I'll update y'all when it's officially revamped.

peep the new teaser

Devlog 1: Models - Character models need to be animated, will tackle that later - Buildings and inside of buildings will probably start being designed and modeled tomorrow - Cable Car models coming soon