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Game survival, fiction and strategy ... Based on conspiracies and secret files revealed in different pages. It's about you: with your rool in a character called snake who must try and test very dangerous suits, the first one that publishes that it is a prototype that works out of the earth, like the suit of the suspect travels to the moon, but it can be use for the rest of your life ...

It must be off the ground, but your suit has a mishap and you lose touch with everything on earth and you can experience beyond its terms ... explore, research and write your life. is the day to day ... Will you ever leave this place? nobody knows ... Or does it?

#Survival ,#realistic , #GameSurvival , #SurvivalFastRequisits ,#2019, #2018 , ~#NewGamesSurvival , #SurvivalShooter , #Horror , #Fiction , #GameSurvival2019

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

New item: Energy bar, Now there are volumetric clouds that give shade in real time, It has improved the bloom: now the sun has more brightness and projects more real shadows, It improved the post processing of the game

New lighting, improvement of shadows, addition of fog that can be removed in the graphics menu, improvement of colors, renewed graphic appearance ..

The new fog interacts with the leaves of trees and grass, also has its sound