
Comments (8)

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look at that, its a wild v0.4.1

Howdy people, 0.3.0 will be releasing later!

Twenty One Pilots Quiz~When did top's first album release?~What was top's first album named?~What is the name of the lead singer in the band?~What was Tyler Josephs first(solo) album called?~What is the bands latest release as of december 13th 2020~11111~23334~22223~11111~11111~2011~2000~2009~2010~Regional At Best~Twenty One Pilots~Blurryface~Twenty Two Pilots~Joshua Dun~Tyler Joseph~Nick Thomas~Chris Salih~Regional At Best~Demons and Angels~No Pun Intended~No Phun Intended~Level Of Concern~Trench~Chrismas Saves The Year~Stressed Out~0010~0100~0100~0001~0010~5~

Neck Man's Bizzare Adventure Quiz~Li ming~Who is Li ming?~Who is Li Ming's Biggest Enemy?~Who does Li Ming fight in season 3 of Neck Man's Bizzare Adventure?~Who is Li mings enemy in season 1 of Neck Man's Bizzare Adventure?~11111~11533~11322~11111~11111~Neck~Egg~Ball~Water~Chinese Neck Man~Chinese Egg Man~Chinese Ball Man~Chinese Water Man~Chinese Egg Man~Chinese Ball Man~Chinese Water Man~Chinese Nose Man~Water Man~Ball Man~Egg Man~Nose Man~Ball Man~Egg Man~Water Man~Nose Man~0010~1000~1111~1000~0100~5~

Crow-Blaze-Facility Quiz~When does the bufferings first appear?~What does CBF-810 do?~What does CBF - 960 do?~Who is the was the keter demon originally?~How do the CBF Facility get test subjects?~22222~44344~23223~11111~11111~Gate Virtualaty Sector 1~Specimin Gallons Sector 2~~~Whenever it blinks it moves~Whenever you blink it moves~~~Switch the persons gender~Turn the person into a random person on the site.~~~Dr {Redacted}~Renolds~~~Ask someone kindly to come over there.~They kidnap people.~~~0100~01~01~10~01~5~

Here is a awesome quiz of the day: The Chinese Neckman Game~Is chinese neck man a good singer?~Does chinese neck man have a tumor on his neck?~What language does chinese neck man speak?~Has chinese neckman realised he has an audience yet?~Is Li Ming his real name?~22222~33333~22222~11111~11111~YES!~nah~~~Sadly yes (please dont joke about it)'~He doesnt dude, your mean.~~~Japanese~Bruh he is chinese you even said so.~~~Yes!~No the poor man doesnt know whats going on behind his back.~~~No~Yes!~~~1000~10~01~10~10~5~

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