
Dancing Cube
Dancing Cube PLUS
Dancing Cube PLUS V.3
Dancing Cube PLUS V.4
Game with a fantastic soundtrack and hard dificult. (Connect your Cancelin Live and get new stuff for him) #retro #other #parody #dancingline #music #pocketcode #catrobat #hard( Is not a copy of Dancing Line XD)
Update Information:
---- New Remix Level, Anniversary Chamber Remix (Play the iconic Anniversary with pinker colors and different instruments. Unlocked after passing Anniversary)----
---- Your progress data is now saved in your device's files, so when there's a new update, you won't have to play again to get back to where you left off. (Unfortunately you'll have to play again to get back to where you left off now, but cheer up)----
----Support and rewards for Cancelin Live. (Cancelin Live is a Cancelin creator that you can put clothes and hats on and more things in the future. You can connect it with DC and get some clothes related to the game. PS: Dancing Cube is the first game to have support for Cancelin Live).----
----New Level: Dark Cemetery. Halloween is here and you can finally see what a tombstone looks like inside. (Level available for everyone on November 1st)----
---Halloween Event: Beat Mountains, Street Basketball, and Space without losing one after the other and you'll get the new level early. (Lasts from 10/26 to 1/11) Enjoy this great comeback and Happy Halloween