Comments (8)
Or does it
Guys I think the dusttrust is real
The real dustrust was the dust that trust along the way
yeah no
Game Soundtrack
" if you can't beat them, join them. "
In a world run rampant with slaughter, morals are left in the past, in the name of salvation.
Will you kill?
or will you be killed?
The Dusttrust Game, containing the typical 3 phases.
... or does it?
Credits -
Undertale by Toby fox and Temmie Chang
Dusttale by Ask dusttale
Dusttrust owned by DillyWolf
Underswap Thanatos by Ari
Sans sprites & Stage Background from SYD
Last Corridor Sprite by thui_rox
Night background by Fanfictiongamer
Battle Tracks By Plawerian and Amber
#fangame #undertale #rpg #dusttrust #dustswap #sans #swapdust #disbelief #distrust #thanatos #dusttale #dustbelief
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed