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Dave (daves adventure)

Version: 0.1.2over 1 year ago

New Dave

Version: 0.1.09 months ago
This is the newest versions of Dave

this game was made for my year 11 design class and i hope you like the game. I have had fun designing and making the game. :) #adventure

W,A,S,D + Shift + Space Bar



Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

I did a dirty fix to the player movement of dave where you now dont stick to the walls all the time.

I think it is in the new release of Dave but I can't remember. but it is great for not getting stuck on walls if running pass it

I'm now going to do some casual things to dave. also i found out dave was running on directX 12 and that was the main thing pulling the proformance down its now 11 and i myself get around 200 fps so yay for proformance :)

I think i'll put a new version of dave for you guys to download because its been a while. I hope you guys like the update and I do think there is a couple bugs like the enemies not being able to move because Unity (not kidding)

Here is what's happening to Dave. Can't wait to hear your ideas.

If the unity payment thing happens then i will have to take Dave and all my games down unless i make them all in unreal.