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Game in demo state! Something can break and something can change soon!

[     【F】【N】【A】【S】【2】 - 【1】.【1】     ]

For the russian peoples:


Description: A game similar to FNAF created by a collaboration of companies, By RORlil and Foxichek Entertament which is developed on the Scratch game engine.


Plot: Years later, the old mental hospital needs a guard again. Evil is returning and must be fought at all costs.


You can play the game with the keyboard or mouse (at your discretion), keyboard controls: WAD interaction with objects, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - Switch cameras on cameras, Q, E - Lower, raise the generator power level or if on cameras then close the first, second trap, Z - If on cameras then exit the cameras, X - If on cameras then turn off the monitor, C - Skip Phone-Guy.



0.1 - Previously finished menu and initial trailer.

0.2 - Added the beginning of the first night.

0.3 - Added Stickmans to the menu.

0.4 - Transition to the generator room, working clock, transition to the closet and working closet.

0.5 - Added generator power level setting, walking sounds, sounds of entering and exiting the closet, sounds of sitting in the closet, transitions became smoother, monitor loading, energy system, communication system, turning off and switching cameras, exiting cameras, early traps and the generator power itself drops.

0.6 - Added game reset, blue screen, blue screen fix and interference sounds.

0.7 - Added DevInf, DevAll, FPS/On/Off, the energy system has been replaced with a CPU heating system and RO has been added.

0.8 - Fully working RO Manipulator, added DevSignall, DevPanic, switching cloud and file saves, Fon-Guy of the first night, mouse icon in the closet, panic bar, new trap system, large trap buttons and a fully working Wes.

0.9 - Removed switching between cloud and file saves, Fon-Gai of the second night, Melty and the finished second night.

1.0 - Finished third night, Finished Extra menu, added Flash mechanics.

1.1 - Completely finished fourth night.


1.2 - Five night, panic bar disappears when inactive, transitions between rooms on PC are now instant.

1 Night:

1. [         Night 1 - Generator Power & Signall         ]

Generator Power is available from the very first night and affects many aspects of the Gameplay, the generator power can itself drop by -1 division after some time, the longer the night, the more often the generator power drops, there are 5 divisions in total, the standard is 3. If the generator energy is above the 3rd division, then after a while we can get an energy overload error on the monitor, the higher the night, the error pops up, and to get rid of this error we will need to reduce the generator power to level 3 or less. After reducing the generator power, the monitor will begin auto-repairing the system after a critical error, the higher the night, the longer the repair. The cameras have "Communication", and the connection has 4 divisions, the further the camera we are looking at is from the office, the less the connection, the closer the camera we are looking at is to the office, the greater the connection, the higher the generator power, the higher the connection level on all cameras, but on the distant ones it will always be less than on the ones closest to the office, the less the connection, the more often we have interference on the monitor. Also, the generator energy affects the "Traps" that we can close so that no one gets to us, the higher the generator power, the longer the traps are closed. Also, the generator power affects the heating of the CPU, the higher the generator power, the faster the CPU heats up). 2. [         Night 1 - Monitor Heat         ]

There is a system on the cameras called "CPU Heat", or simply "Heat". Heat is a strip at the top of the cameras that starts at 20°c and ends at 55c°, when we are sitting at the monitor, the strip grows in plus, when we are not sitting at the monitor, the strip decreases in minus. The higher the generator power, the faster the CPU heats up, if the heating is higher than 55c°, the monitor will automatically turn off and you will have to turn it on for a long time. Also, on the first night, the monitor is always turned off from the beginning.

3. [         Night 1 - Panic Level          ]

The panic scale or anxiety scale is displayed on our screen at the top if we are not sitting at the cameras, the anxiety scale looks like a completely black strip. The anxiety level is increased by such things as: Watching Wes or DoubleHead on cameras, sitting in the closet for a long time, the presence of Shadow, being near the hole in the generator room, and the anxiety scale also increases if Eye is looking at you in the office. The higher the panic level, the more the panic scale fills with red, the heart beats faster, and the redness of the screen is not visible on the cameras. The scale drops every 3 seconds by minus 1 unit if we have nothing to increase this scale. If the panic level is at maximum, we will die.

4. [         Night 1 - Traps         ]

Traps are a special system available to us on the monitor to protect ourselves from some Stickmans (Some Stickmans ignore traps). There are only two traps, and we can close both at once. Traps open after a while, the higher the generator power the more time the traps will need to open. Wes - To drive away, you need to close all two traps. Melty - Does not react to traps, and crawls through them. Eye - The eye goes through a hole that is located behind us in the Generator Room, The eye does not intersect with traps. DoubleHead - To stop DoubleHead, you only need to close one trap. Miti - Miti is stopped by only two traps. Shadow - Does not react to traps.

5. [         Night 1 - Wes          ]

Wes has 3 different paths that always start from his chamber (1st chamber). Short path by camera order: 1 6 5 3 5 6 7. Medium path by camera order: 1 6 5 4 5 3 5 6 7.

Long path by camera order: 1 2 1 6 5 4 5 3 5 6 7.

Wes always goes into the kitchen and takes a knife, so that Wes does not pass to you, you must close all 2 Traps, if Wes leaves, he will start moving in the opposite direction from which he came. The cabinet does not save you from Wes, since he finds you in it. When Wes has a knife and he walks, he makes steps.

2 Night:

1. [         Night 2 - Closet         ]

In the generator room we also have a closet, the closet is needed to protect ourselves from Stickmans who ignore traps. Such Stickmans are: Melty, Eye and sometimes DoubleHead. Initially, when we sit in the closet, the closet doors open and when the closet doors are completely open, we will be thrown out of the closet, to stay in the closet longer, you need to hold down the mouse or hold the screen. But if we sit in the closet for too long, our panic level will quickly begin to grow in which case if we stay in the closet for a long time, we will die.

2. [         Night 2 - Melty          ]

Melty is a half-melted Stickman who can ignore traps, Melty appears on the second night. Melty has 3 different paths, and they all start from the bunks on the left side of the mental hospital. We do not see these bunks on the cameras, so the first camera where Melty appears is the 6th. Short path by camera order: 6 7.

Medium path by camera order: 6 5 6 7.

Long path by camera order: 6 5 4 5 6 7.

If Melty is preparing to attack us and appears on the 6th camera, then Melty begins to wait for some time to enter the 7th camera, but if at this moment we build on Melty when he is on the 6th camera and is going to enter the 7th, then Melty will almost instantly enter the 7th camera. When Melty is on the 7th camera, he begins to crawl for a long time through the traps passing through them, when Melty crawls through all the traps and is going to attack us, then we need to hide in the closet, otherwise we will die. When we hide in the closet then Melty starts looking for us, if at this

Night 3:

1. [         Night 3 - Eye          ]

The eye starts its movement from the left half of the Mental Hospital where the chambers are located, we will never be able to see the eyes on the cameras, since the eye goes through the destroyed wall in our generator room. The eye can appear on the screen in our office at any moment and start looking at us, this will quickly increase the panic level, to drive away the eyes we will need to climb into the closet, if we are in the closet then the eye will instantly leave and come again after a long time. Also, the eyes can be illuminated with a flash if we are near the hole in the generator room.

2. [         Night 3 - Flash          ]

When we are in the generator room, we can turn to the right at any time and look at the hole that is next to us, if we click on this hole, we will highlight it, this will instantly call Eye, because Eye really likes light. Eye will come again after a long time. Flash recharge is 60 seconds.

4 Night:

1. [         Night 4 - DoubleHead          ]

DoubleHead always starts his movement from the second chamber, then goes to the first, then on the first chamber he can return again to the second and so on until on the first chamber he chooses the path to go to the 6th chamber, after the 6th chamber he always goes to the 5th, on the 5th he can return back to the 6th in a cycle, after the 5th he can go either to the 3rd or to the 4th, if DoubleHead goes to the fourth, then after the 4th chamber he goes to the 5th, and again after the 5th he goes to the 3rd, after the 3rd he goes to the 6th and then chooses to go either through the hole in the generator room, or through the traps. If the DoubleHead went through the hole, then when he is going to attack you will hear a very creepy sound, after which you will need to climb into the closet to survive, in both cases, if the DoubleHead leaves, he immediately goes to the 6th chamber, and then immediately to the 2nd, then goes to his room. Sometimes the DoubleHead can teleport completely randomly. To stop him, you need one trap. If you use the flash when DoubleHead is in the hole in the wall in the generator room, you will die.

2. [         Night 4 - Shadow          ]

The shadow can rarely appear in the office on the fourth night, on higher nights the Shadow appears more often, it appears with creepy sounds and you are instantly transferred to the room with the monitor, wherever you are, click on it to drive it away. Otherwise you will die.

Night 5:

1. [         Night 5 - Miti          ]

Miti starts his movement from the left side of the Mental Hospital, Miti is very fast and walks making loud steps. Miti only walks along the 7th, 6th and 5th cells. When Miti is on the 6th cell, he can either go straight to the 7th or to the 5th, then to the 6th and finally to the 7th. When Miti is on the 7th cell, he can stand there for about 1-30 seconds, so that Miti does not get to you, you should close all 2 traps. When you chased Miti away, he will go to his room through the hole in the Generator Room, when Miti goes to his room, you will not see him anymore.

#horror #fnaf #fangame #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

What think about Demo?