Comments (11)
Although a bit luck based, you should check the the first floor cams that are next to you, and flash the bathroom from time to time (check ONLY these cams). For the basement, however, you should check ALL the cams for the entity 01 noise and flash the camera. If Booswah slips in listen and shut the side he is on till you no longer hear him (keep i mind he kills fast). The hard part is to keep track of when Priest or Chair is in the basement or 1st floor cams next to you. If you lose track, shine both lights for a bit (they leave slower than the main nights I think). When you hear Luna, Search all the cams till you find her (I also would flash the bathroom cam as Taka attacks around the same time). Lastly, DO NOT randomly flash cams to get rid of Luna or Booswah! You lose 1 power for each flash (the bathroom cost no power though so you can spam that one as much as you like)! Hope this helps players having a hard time.
Ä° dont understand Rick Ashley at all

can you contact aliens in this game
Five Nights At Wario's 1 MLS Edition 2.0
Five Nights At Wario's 1 MLS Edition 2.0 Android
Five Nights At Wario's 1 MLS Edition 1.0 (OLD VERSION)
Wha ha! Its me MLS! I have created an original "totally not generic remake" of FNAW 1, if it wasn't obvious this is the SEQUEL to FNAW The Clock MLS Edition v2.0. Now don't think this is some sort of boring close the door game, my friends and I has got some new mechanics that might feel familiar to you, prepare and do your worst!!!