Comments (17)
i really do love this game!
I was thinking this is gonna be inspired by godzilla's analog horror
Do you by chance want any help ?
honestly excited for this game
2 questions though how many characters is it?
and are you going add a 20 mode music?
This is amazing, Zilla is Freddy Fazbear.
Game Soundtrack
Warning:This Game Contains some few Blood, some Horror, and the characters known as
Space Godzilla
Scrap Kong
Zilla Jr
Golden King Ghidorah
Fnaf Fangame which contains a Human-sized and Animatronic version of Certain Nuclear Dinosaur #fangame #survival #notsohorror #Godzilla #Ghidorah #Gojira #Anguirus #Kaiju #pointnclick #Mothra #Fnaf1 #SpaceGodzilla #Zilla #ZillaJR #ZillaJunior #KingGhidorah #Rodan #Fnag #fnag


Game made and Developed by @ShadowGodzillaX
Phone Guy: Oddcast TTS
Golden King Ghidorah: (Me)
Sound effects and Music taken from Youtube, and some other sites and Games
Godzilla and Most of the Kaijus Are Owned by Toho.
Some small inspiration of Five Nights at Godzilla's youtube videos made by LuisDuran and some Others
Credits to @realscawthon for Creating Five Nights at Freddy's Franchise #fnaf