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[Final WIP]

Almost finished with Elder Ghidorah's redesign, just need to add the finishing touch! ~ (aka, the wings)

#Godzilla #Gojira #FanGoji #Kaiju #ElderGhidorah #KingGhidorah #Ghidorah #redesign #WIP #WIPWednesday

"The Devil With Three Heads, The Destroyer of Worlds.."

Meet Elder Ghidorah! - aka, AhrimanGhidorah

(previously requested by @EEXES, redesigned by @DuckterStRm )


(HQ version down below)

[WIP 2]

I might be finally getting somewhere with Elder Ghidorah's redesign!

Enjoying the overall new look so far.

#Godzilla #Gojira #FanGoji #Kaiju #ElderGhidorah #KingGhidorah #Ghidorah #redesign #WIP

[Outdated Design] - check out the redesign here:…

Meet Elder Ghidorah! - (requested by @EEXES)

[continuation to my previous fan-goji post]


(HQ version down below)


Felt like redesigning elder ghidorah, since I wasn't too fond of how the previous design looked..

But hopefully, this one will probably turn to be a lot more better! (fingers crossed)