
Comments (50)

What do you think?

So here's the promise review of the second one as I stated before

(Fun fact: I never really intended to play this game but decided to since I helped You fix the story summary)


-Office and Backstage gameplay are nice

-Good music choice

-Minigames are nice


-The kitchen minigame is kinda ehh

-The jumpscare noise isn't scary

Hope for improvement, since this is definitely a massive step up from the previous game


alright so yeah night 2

it felt pretty boring and kinda rushed

  1. I feel like only Dinner Frankburt attacking is pretty underwhelming, maybe Dinner Kittens could have attacked as a character where you can't use the light on her no matter what

  2. Dinner Frankburt has no leaving animation for when he goes away, you should probably add one

  3. you should make it where you actually have to do maintenance on Buster while also dealing with the animatronics, the note at the beginning said that you had to do maintenance on him, right?

so yeah that's all I have to say

Why, when I went through all 3 nights, And I didn't have open extra, or there is no extra in this game

Y otra mas esto es lo mismo de la historia original o una Re imaginación de esta.


If upon downloading the demo Avast or another anti-virus software flags it as a harmful program, it's a false positive. The game is fine.

It's an issue with Clickteam's exporter lately, where Avast flags any game exported in the engine as malicious.

There's not much I can do about it until Clickteam updates their engine, or Avast and others update their anti-virus definitions.

Once an update for Clickteam is pushed out or AVG/Avast update their incorrect definitions, I will push out a new build.

Voice actors:

-Phone Guy / Friend: @DarklyYT
-Withered Frankburt: @DarklyYT

-Dinner Frankburt: @agbecker04

-Buster: @user114

-Dinner Kittens: Nobody.

New story text: @Fredrick_Fazworth


Ever since the incident at the previous Frankburt's Diner, Alison, not wanting to lose His "Money Laundering Scheme" as well as His Factory, decided to take some Security Measures so He could Reopen the place. But did He really took Security Measures? Or is there something more sinister behind Frankburt's and it's Owner...

#fangame #horror #fnaf #survival #pointnclick #strategy #other #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

Frankburt's 2: The ReOpening 0.1.2 DEMO is now oficial AVALIBLE!

I apologize again, you see, before publishing the demo, I had some problems with the file and I had to pass the data to a new MFA, which altered the programming, I think she will fix everything but you never know, if there are more errors tell me.

That Was Fast ._.

You know, there is a high probability that it will release the 1 night demo TODAY, but don't forget, it is just very probably, not sure it will come out today.

The pain of this eternal hell will end in your death.


The "Buster" ReModel is COMPLETE! What do you all think?

Dinner Frankburt ReModel COMPLETE!

"Dinner Frankburt" redesign progress

