Comments (10)
can i set a speedrun worl record
This game really sucks. The last 3 levels are almost exactly the same, and the last 2 levels are just copies of the same level with different item placements. You have to beat the game twice to unlock everything, and the wave map isn't even hard, you can restore health by killing enemies, how dumb is that. The islands take way too long to load, and the graphics are even worse. The game has way too much glitches too. If you slide and spam dash on the ground in an island, you can go through the floor, and fall forever, and the new secret level isn't even a secret. There is literally no effort into this level, and you get the password from beating the island. Why, but why is there a password for that level. If you want to use the password you have to write it down on a paper or notes. What's the point of that, just make a way to get there after beating the island, besides a password. The temporary WebGL version was also horrible. It didn't even work on chrome, it worked on Firefox. It wasn't even cool while it lasted anyway. You also can't use the recoil gun in any other level besides the Island level, and the island level takes so long to load. I think it takes about 5 minutes. The terrain is horrible, The water doesn't even work, its just some floor without collision. The recoil gun is basically useless, and there is actually hints of it in the other levels. If you use a secondary weapon, and press 3, the secondary gun just goes away, meaning you literally just used an empty gun for the recoil gun in other levels, and it doesn't do anything. I know a whole lot about unity, meaning all you did was just use a empty prefab for the gun.
it looks good
Gunning Cube
Gunning Cube V5 *OUTDATED*
Gunning Cube V4 *OUTDATED*
Gunning Cube V3 *OUTDATED*
Gunning Cube V2 *OUTDATED*
Gunning Cube V1 *OUTDATED*
To play from the GJ Client, you need to click the 3 dots, open folder, go in the data folder and click the app. You can't launch it from the GJ Client itself.
After the events of CubeRoyale, the cubes were sent to another world, where one capsule existed. They wanted to turn it into a cube world, but soon they regreted attacking the capsule. He grabbed out his sword and slashed him. The other cubes got mad, thinking they could take him down. Take down all the cubes before they get you. Equipped with your sword and a couple of guns, theres nothing that can stop you. #action #shooter #retro #firstperson #fps #parkour #hard #3d #platformer #adventure #other
Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed