
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I like how it looks (:

This is a game review website with some social media like aspects

main goals to be added to the site (will get crossed out when its added):

  • account verification

  • Great and secure admin panel (I'll show that some times)

  • followers and friends

  • Block lists

  • For-You-Page like system

  • messaging between people (wont have images because im not dealing with that)

  • fixing the profile pictures (that already exist but dont work)

  • changing the COOKIES into a SESSION based website (security maybe)

    I'll add or remove things from this depending on things that happen while doing this.


I've been working on the main site and then the admin pannel so I can ban or help people. It also needs some work but I mean your not going to see this for a while.

if i ever get help running the site I'll show off the updates to the site.

I've for a bit made a simple profile page system. I need to fix the profile pictures because the uploading doesn't work right now. I want to make a cool user based profile page editor. but I'll need to think about it.

I've just remade a main part of the website. as i found when testing that you could be locked out of your account just by changing your name then going back into the account page. so i just changed the COOKIE data into a UserID to get around that.

Part 2

i'm going to be hosting this websites in the future. through this devlog posting i'm gonna have some core features to make the site secure as possible on my own amd some nice features like email verfications.

this page here is for the logging of the development of my own review website for Games.

The main aspects of the site is:
- creating a account

- posting a review

- commenting on reviews

- managing all your posts and comments

Part 1