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I'm new to making games and this is my first big shot on trying to make something the game so far is in early stages.

Game Requirements:(Microsoft Edge Required to run the game:LIEGO Namalee Beta version 0.5.0 Storage Requirement 31 MB:Works only on PC)also when you play make sure you press the volume key once the sound is muted until you press a volume key once.#rpg

Please Read Below to know how to play

Controls Arrow Keys

To move to different areas in Namalee its in a b c order to go to the second part of the map press the A Key and to get to the next part of the map press the B key and etc...

To escape battles press the letter with the corresponding map area. Example you encounter a creature in the A area to escape the creature press A if you encounter a creature in the B area press B to Escape the battle and so on.

To switch creatures use the numbers on you're keyboard so far 3 creatures are available one you start out with so the keys 1 and 2 switch you're creature out with a different one . To tame a creature press T and then escape the battle. You can also find different color creatures of that same type of creature to change you're creature to its different color click or tap on it.

To talk to NPCs just click on them if you have a touch screen just tap on them.

To use map its on the bottom left corner just click on it

Mild Cartoon Violence
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