Comments (85)
I removed all the charm and there's NOTHING you can do.
When you initially worked on Mary's you said Winter Wonderland tried to hard to look visually cool and realistic, and flashy, ranted about it for days. Turns out you were just coping and fell down the pipeline yourself.
Love you project peter ❤️
Someone call UH YEAH NOW
i can barely see shit in the screenshots with how compressed gamejolt made them like this has to be one of the worst cases of gamejolt compression i've seen
‘’Service Pack’’
I see what you did here.
Mary's Arcade: Service Pack is a complete visual and technical rework of Mary's Arcade
The Mary's Arcade you know and love, made fresh again!
Revamped AI & more intuitive gameplay.
New, original phone calls with better instructions.
Refined character and environment designs.
UI skins.
New, more meaningful flavor text.
More cohesion with Mary's Arcade 2
New late-game challenges.
A higher definition version of Mary.
Obligatory "And much more!"
If you've never heard of Mary's Arcade before...
Mary's Arcade is a FNaF-inspired game where your fate relies on your ability to plan ahead and make tough choices - no luck or randomness whatsoever! Every death is your fault.
Why are you remaking the first game?
While working on Mary's Arcade 2, I realized it was quickly becoming so different in tone and pace that Mary's Arcade 1 no longer felt like an adequate predecessor. You can't build a house on a wobbly foundation. That, and the mounting problems that a year and a half of hindsight gave me inspired me to remake the first game.
Why did you change the art style?
What many people call the 'charm' of the first game was not intentional visual design, but was a consequence of limitations, laziness, and improper use of tools. This time I'm putting a lot more effort into the visuals.
But I don't like the new art style!
Why aren't you working on Mary's Arcade 2?
I never said I wasn't. Mary's Arcade 2 is also getting a PBR makeover behind the scenes. Both this remake and the sequel will have one unified look and feel.
Do I need to play this if I've already played the old Mary's Arcade?
Technically no - it's the same game in spirit - but there are enough changes and additions that a playthrough of Service Pack will give you a much fuller experience than the original Mary's Arcade did. Your save file will not carry over.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed