Mary's Arcade: Service Pack

11 days ago

Where are you? Where's Mary?

Where's Mary's Arcade: Service Pack?

Where's Mary's Arcade 2?

Where's Mary's Dating Simulator?

Where's Psonday?

Is this another one of those dead games that's never coming out?

These questions and many more will be answered right here, right now!

TLDR I'm working on other parts of the game. Visuals are nice, but the gameplay comes first. Blah blah blah join the Mary's Arcade Discord If you really want to see all that unfinished behind the scenes garbage.

"It's been almost a YEAR. Where are the devlogs? The updates? The screenshots?"

I can't (easily) share things like video or audio, and programming updates would get annoying. Pretty much the only thing I can share on here are visuals, and I don't like posting screenshots with lots of unfinished assets in them. I'm also personally not a fan of putting 'WIP' watermarks on top of my images.

"Okay, but what's taking so long?"

I work in a way that ensures I don't burn out. I'll have a modeling sprint, then when I'm sick of that, I'll have a programming sprint, then an audio sprint. I also have a much busier schedule than I did when I was working on Mary's Arcade: Classic!

"What about Mary's 2?"

That's a great question! I've said it before, but it cannot be said enough: Mary's Arcade 2 is NOT canceled! In fact, it's the reason Service Pack exists!

Mary's Arcade 2 was quickly becoming such a different game that Mary's Arcade 1 no longer felt like an adequate predecessor. The game was a sequel with no first part.

There can't be a Mary's 2 without a proper Mary's 1, which is why we now have Service Pack.

Also, while I'm talking about Mary's Arcade 2, I can tell you the game is pretty much done. The core game is nearly finished and is solid. It's just the visuals and extra content that remain unfinished.

When I decided that Service Pack was going to go down the photorealism route it meant that work on Mary's 2's visuals had to be paused since I want the games to have a united look. Mary's 2 will be using a lot of Service Pack's assets, so work on Service Pack is work on Mary's 2 in a way.

I hope that explains the absolute radio silence on all my game pages!

Here's a little treat for reading this far.




Next up

Mary's Arcade COLLABORATION!!! I will be collabing with LITERALLY EVERYONE! This will indefinitely delay my games.

First day of working on Mary's Arcade SP: I'm gonna make the game take up less space.

Me now: Ok let me just add 150mb of dynamic danger ambience.

Gary the fox

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

May be replacing the kitchen with a revamped version of a scrapped room from the beta.


(For both PC and Android devices.)


It's funny. The more they add, the less I care.

Adding stuff isn't going to fix the game.


Anyone remember the old Night Shift at Freddy's games?

That was me!

I (regretfully) took the games down many years ago, but I'm still here making new stuff! Come see what I'm up to now!