
Comments (2)

What do you think?

sounds pretty fun

Don't really have a lot of stuff done yet but basc there are beans chasing you trying to kill you and you need to survive and build a base and get weapons. Also I'm new to scripting and to unity so I'll try my best to fix bugs and stuff and try to get this game in early access when I think it's good enough.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Thinking about possibly adding a honor system. Do you guys think I should add one?

Currently working on the health bar, gonna plan to open this game for beta testing in about 2 weeks. That's just an estimation, though. Don't know if I'll be done with everything I'm working on right now

Does anyone have any ideas to add to the game?

Added a Minimap and worked on the map.

I made a discord server for the game join if you want to see the development and talk to people.