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Game Soundtrack

1 song

No Heal (Composed by Runny)

Welcome to an adventure that you have never seen before~!

"One night bf was walking past an old man's house who shoved a Gameboy with A cartridge stuck inside unable to be pulled out so bf when home to Gf and Pico started playing the game till a young voice called out as the trio looked into the screen they were pulled in one by one being scattered around an unfamiliar world needed to find out who was behind this and to regroup to fight new foes or ally's?"

The Squad

Ragamuffin (Director, VA, Artist)
Mirrored Melody (Codirector, VA)
Scarlet Traveler (Codirector, VA, a bit of the coding)
Redthehedgie (Artist & VA)
Sigmario (???)
ProToad64 (VA)
AlexWasAnImpostor (Artist, VA, Charter)
Arctic Sableye (Charter, Idea Guy)
VoidZ (Artist)
Shady (VA)
Goofball (Composer)
PC!Frisk (VA)
🖋music stuffer✏ D sides arc (Artist)

#fnf #pokemon #creepypasta #other #fnf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

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