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After the war, the world became a dangerous place, the waste brought to life unimaginable creatures of great strength, but there are still things to do in it, meet Ross, a hunter of "Waste", Waste Hunters are an organization in charge of cleaning the land of the damage they have caused them, but...


People were afraid of them, people are always afraid of the new, and above all, what is threatening their lives, before the Waste Hunters people tried something else, Karen, she was a child even when they did this to her, her parents offered her to science , an organization without name I modify it, but for better or worse, she perished in the attempt, there are people who claim to have seen it, but, they seem only rumors...


The game will be made from GameMaker Studio 2, and most of the graphics will be made by me, "at the latest I intend to find a team due to the great load of the game".

The game will contain a Tactical combat style for the time being.

Remember, what you see here may or may not be modified throughout the development of the game.


At the moment this is not looking for unknown people for the creation of the project, I will try to find people inside my circle to collaborate for the moment, but be on the lookout in case I get to open positions.

  • Illustrator (Sprites): ME

  • Illustrator (Other): Lxverpanda (@lxverpanda instagram)

  • Programmer: ME

  • Programmer:

  • Composer: (Problably ME)

Of course, the current designs and illustrations belong to the ilustrators, not to use without permission.

#rpg #strategy #scifi #action #adventure #puzzle #lgbt #tactic #indie #other

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Comical Shenanigans


PROJECT Karen will be programmed in GameMaker Studio to increase the quality of the project, consequently the release date of the demo will be delayed, but do not worry, great things are approaching :)

Meet Eli! Eli came from the city 1 month ago, he is pretty funny and interesting, he always wear the most confy clothes that you can find over the village.

Meet Lia! A friendly and emotionaly strong girl that you meet on your adventure, she is quite weird, but don't mind, she is a funny girl that you would literaly fall in love whit her!

First! Meet Ross, the protragonist of the game!

Ross is a confident girl that wear the worst clothes for the occasion, she is pretty kind but she gets too easy, so think whatever you are going to say :O

So guys!


We're strating now, the character designs will be uploaded on the page on the next days so keep giving a look at the page :)