Comments (21)
just finished the demo and got to the DEMO island - i have to say that this was really good! the catching system, various humorous antics between the coach and two other tamers, the towers and especially the seed fusion - the last one is especially unique and i loved it! the game was very enjoyable, not too difficult but not too easy (although, the very first battle was kinda agonizing, i'll get to that later), and, overall, the demo was a good experience!
the various mon' designs are pretty cool - some of them are pretty generic (like falleaf, for example) and others are really cool or even cute (leafuma is definitely my favorite mon'), the art is not too shabby and looks alright.
even with all the good things, i have a few ideas on how to improve the game - firslty, hegglings move, Hard Shell, can't be used on the first level because of his low SP stat - i would up it to 20 so that he can use it from the first level. next, the icons of the mons look kinda unclean because of the black edges - i suggest you look through them and remove them. also, a minor complaint from me is some spelling mistakes here and there, but they're not fatal) as for the ideas, firstly, it would be cool to be able to choose an appearance for our tamer - not a character creator by any means, but just a choice from 2 to 3 appearances for both girls and boys. secondly, i think it would be hard to do but it would be amazing if you could name your mons after catching them!).
all in all, RPG'Mons was a pleasant experience with lots of potential and some room for improvement - i'll look forward to updates on the game's developement and to you, BazookaNeptune, i wish best of luck and nerves of steel in the art of game developement! take care!
Is cool ngl
I think I found a bug. The female option for the player doesn't have a sprite, so I am completely invisible.

this is my 9th shiny shraw in a row in the exact same fishing spot and I keep getting more of these after I caught the first one 0_0 I must be insanely lucky.
Game Soundtrack
O V E R V I E W :
RPG'Mons is a " Monster catching " type of game. Like the very popular game franchise : Pokemon.
Although this game has the same basics, such as catching creatures to add them to your team ! RPG'Mons is it's own universe, it's own thing !
I want that to be clear, this is it's own thing !
I make the game on RPG maker MV and i wish to use the least amount of Plugins possible ! I want to keep things simple enough !
I make every drawings of the Mons myself ( evendo i'm not an artist on that field, i still wanted to make this game because i really feel enthousiastic about it ).
D E M O :
The game is currently in a demo state, meaning that there's only 50 Mons in the game currently ! and a very small portion of the main story is also available, more of the game coming as i progress through it !
S T O R Y :
The main story of RPG'Mons is you waking up in an " Simulated game " a game in which you can " teleport " yourself into ! In this game you will meet witch two other tamers who came to play the game ! But you will also be guided by the maker of the game himself !
The objective of the story is to become the Monslord ! the greatest title of the game ! But you will also have to defeat the game devlopper's friend, as they were both bored, they decided that one of them will be an evil character who wants to destroy the world !
G A M E P L A Y :
The gameplay is fairly simple, you will traverse the world of Monsopolia and meet with a lot of different Mons ! you can defeat the or tame them so they can join your team !
You will also have to face other tamers in your objective of becoming the Monslord !
there's also small features such as " fishing " and " timbering " both are accessible during the demo and will help you encountering certain Mons that can only be found with these features !
If you are lucky enough, you might even encounter Chroma Mons ! a very ( very ) rare kind of Mons ! They are the Mons you already encounter in the wild, but with different colors ! ( they work the same way as a shiny in pokemon )
R E S U M E :
To sum everything up, RPG'Mons is set to be a vast and explorable game with a lot of hidden places and secrets ! Battle and tame many Mons ! Try your luck on the Chroma hunting ! Become the strongest Mons tamer by claiming the Monslord title !
and most importantly, have fun !
This game will be regularly updated as i progress through the development. I don't think i'll publish it when everything will be done, but rather publish it segment by segment, as i will make new zones for you to explore !
I currently am planning to also add some " DLC " when the game will launch, but i firstly need to finish it so i can see what i can do with those.
Hope you'll enjoy the game ;)
#rpg #adventure #strategy #Monstercatching #Monster #Chroma #Earlyaccess