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Sonic and the Chaos Invasion

Version: 0.6.03 months ago
Demo 6 is out! To be honest, I didn't expect it this early.

Sonic and the Chaos Invasion is a love letter to sonic fangames of the 90s and early 2000s. It contains time accurate engine, gameplay jank, and development hell.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans


So... I have to recode the entire game.

The Sonic portion of the engine has been completed. Now all I have to do is complete the first zone, and the next demo will be completed! I'm also planning on submitting the demo to SAGE, so hopefully I finish it in time.

Demo 4 is out for SATCI's 3rd anniversary! Next build will not only have the completed engine, but it will also be the special Greens Hill demo, adding the first proper zone.

The hiatus is officially over. I will be balancing 2 projects at the moment, as well as having to balance these with school. The next demo probably won't release until next year's SAGE, unless I decide to release builds to test out the mechanics.