Comments (1)
Good Game
Slap battles Get bob Simulator
SLAP BATTLES BOB SIMULATOR a game created by popcat to play press E to spawn a replica 1/7000 chance of spawn i will reduce chances to 1/900 at 100 likes at 10 likes reduced to 1/6000 spawning bob does nothing but its worth a shot trying to spawn him i might add updates including usage of it when spawned but enjoy how it is now
Commands on the console:
Backrooms(notcheating)btw using backrooms command has small chance each portal for yellow portal and red portal red is 1/1000 and yellow 1/500
Using any of these will consider it cheating but if you want to use them im not stopping you some arent cheating
Models: Cheeky
Script: popcat
P for -5 luck
O for + 5 luck
N for - 1 luck
M for + 1 luck