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This is a random game just for funny >:)
You are a dude going to fix some guys PC in a forest
you get there and there is a note. The note says "Sorry
but hes yours now", you scared leave the note.

In game you'll run from "Scary" Dave, find keys and complete
puzzles to fix the computer and get fuel for your "Broken" Car

Hope its fun :D

#horror #survival #puzzle

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

I've been working on Scary Dave. and im working on a Demo for you guys to play. im working on the main Quests for the demo. also im getting a good idea on what daves attacks and moves are going to be like.

I'm currently looking to see if i can make a quick mini game where your just trying to turn on a genorator for the fuel station employee. but ill use a modified version of this when making the main mission of the game *Fixing the dudes PC*


Heres what I've got so far. Sprinting, Flash light and Area Names. it should make it easier for you guys to know where you are and where you may need to go for a mission. I'm sure ill add mission marker to make it easy to know where to go

The Stamina System works the way it should now YIPPEE

I'm working on the GUI. you'll have a health text, sprint bar and text for where you are in the world. if you have any thoughts please im going to add somethings others because this is going to be a comedic game