
Comments (1)

What do you think?

It's a sweet little addictive game. Plays very well with mouse control. I really like the weapon-upgrades. Maybe the meteors in the 3rd wave should split after a hit like in that Asteroids arcade game ;)

Just a project I'm working on to learn unity and get better at programming, it's mostly a side project so updates will be slow. And since this is primarily a learning project, some design decisions may be in favor of what I learn the most from instead of what would be the most interesting/fun gameplay wise.

what's in the game atm:

  • Infinite waves with enemy defense and damage increasing(a little bit) for each wave

  • Full controller support

  • up to 4 player local co-op

  • 4 different weapon types

  • 10 different weapon power levels for each weapon type

  • 2 enemy types and 2 meteor types

  • spaceship customization

What's coming in the future(probably):

  • Better wave system where waves will have a fancy entry instead of just popping into existence.

  • bosses

  • local leaderboard

  • levels, instead of just infinitely repeating waves. each level will likely have 10 waves where the 10th will be a boss

  • balancingâ„¢

#retro #arcade

Fantasy Violence

Patch 0.2.2

- Upgraded to the Universal Render Pipeline

- Changed the way ship customization is handled, now using a custom shader graph. This allowed me to easily add support for secondary color customization

- Added cool looking glow to some visuals.

Patch 0.2.1

- Reworked the orange laser weapon. It now does damage to the first enemy it hits, then if that enemy dies it continues to the next enemy in line.

- Lowered base damage of blue weapon.

- Fixed issue with how drops were handled.

Update 0.2.0

- added local co-op with support for up to 4 players

- added spaceship customization(only primary color for now)

- re-worked inputs to support any configuration of keyboard, mouse and 0-4 controllers