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Sub Terror Collection Community
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After a Incident Sub Glasses as throwed on a kid and make her blind and Restaurant as closed due this accident but they are back in a warehouse after anna kill ana's cousin she suicided and her's soul as goed to Anna and she want revenge to the 3 owners of Sub Fun enterprise and The nightmares are arrived to be the ideas ana want to do the place and the owners But she created a Hybrid and some shadow hallucinations of Withered Sub And Rowdyruff Boys are arrived to Curse that Warehouse( and thats why you got hired)now your trauma after that birthday have risen you need to rest but mysteriously you got capturated for the hidden place of a Sub's restaruant so whats now...

For survive 5 nights on there or They......

Yeah i notice it looks Fnas 4 dlc reborn idea

Yes the sequel of Project Bunn13 is here only the ganepage the game can come soon

#fnaf #horror #fangame #pointnclick

@EighthSea for Create Jolly Horrors/ Jolly Paradox

This will be so long for finish #fnaf

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

This is the new Menu Yes similiar of Nightmare Below Disney

Probably this game will have a halloween version

In Progress