
Comments (3)

What do you think?

idea for what you can make this in, maybe scratch? if ya use turbowarp you could do alot as well.

Millions of years later, the true first have been discovered

May their melodies play for millions to hear #fangame #pointnclick #other

Alcohol Use
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

The main reason this was cancelled was cause big blue bubble came at TLL and told them to redesign the monsters from the base msm games, this sucks so much cause this had almost no original monsters and heavily focused on the fire monsters.

I really like how this turned out today...

Farie Isle Epic Wubbox

Scrapped Monculus design for being basically the same as his base counterpart

F it

If you know this then you know what game this is

Probably will get no attention till release lmao