Comments (128)
Toy chica using those thigh highs 😳
Thx for the Game! GL! https://youtu.be/2U7-WWEyrIE
Hey guys check out my playthrough of this game and like the video if you want a part 2 :)
Hey, tu juego parece interesante te gustaria que fuera Beta tester tengo experiencia pasada.
The Happy Show Beta 2.0
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Title / Do you Trust Me?
- 2.The Show Will Begin
- 3.The Music Box
- 4.Ambient 01
- 5.Ambient 02
- 6.Ambient 03
- 7.Ambient 04
- 8.Ambient 05
- 9.Ambient 06 Aracnophobia
- 10.Ambient 07 Bonnie's Ambient
- 11.Minigame 0 / Discaded Sound
- 12.Freddy Minigame
- 13.Bonnie Minigame
- 14.Chica Minigame
- 15.Marionette Minigame
- 16.Lannie Minigame
- 17.This Is Just The Beginning

welcome to Shiny Stars & Co. ! the wait has been long since the last time we saw each other, but we assure you a better experience!
You will notice certain changes from our previous appearance, but we assure you that we are still us and we maintain the quality of the experience!
We are looking for a Night Guard candidate who has the guts (and maybe a little more) to survive guard our excellent restaurant for a single work week
Is your name Sammy Emily? Welcome to Shining Face Entertainment! your job will be to work here this week, from 12 am to 6 pm, it's a simple job, don't you think?
(Shining Face Entertainment is not responsible for injuries, illnesses, mysterious disappearances, computer viruses, and poor work experience in general)
we are HaPpY to have you here, have a good night and remember, we are watching you.

You play the role of Sammy Emily, your duty is to focus on checking the cameras to keep an eye on the animatronics that are stalking you for 5 nights. In addition, you must be attentive to the music box, as a small puppet will be stalking you behind the corridor.
As the nights go by, you will have to get the so-called tapes and decipher what is going on behind the curtains.

Inspiration and role model - @realscawthon
Original Game - @Ankhar (Etty)
Direction - @Ankhar & @LilOr3oX
Scriptwriter - @Mr_R_canon2422
3D Art - @Ankhar
Drawings - @Gowzii_
Soundtracks & SoundsEffects - @chesterafton
@Ankhar , @LilOr3oX
, @chesterafton, @Mr_R_canon2422
, @ViColette
, @Daark_Ranko
Voice Actors-
Happy Freddy- @Karfox_Wolfzard
Happy Bonnie- @Daark_Ranko
Happy Chica- Beyond To The Inside
Lannie- Beyond To The Inside
Marionette- Miss Fredbear
Pingui- @ViColette
Sammy Emily- ?
Paul- @chesterafton
Brenda- @Black-Swan
Moral Support, Ideas, And More-
@ECMatias & BlueBerry
Tags (Ignore)
#fangame #horror #retro #survival #fnaf #fnaf