
Comments (87)

What do you think?

This is the thumbnail of my game, I currently put it on devlog right now. But I'm trying to make a game with these animatronics int hem. XD

Do you have any guess when this will come out?

No need to rush or anything, I'm just curious.

Also is there a way to make freeroam games

okay this is epic

i have a question. can we import our own models?

Fnaf Kit is a game designed to allow for the creation of custom nights and maps that are both sharable and playable by anyone else with the game. The project was in on and off development for its first year, before it was scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up in its current form.

This game is a one-man effort, so progress is not that fast. If interested in helping out, pm me.

#pointnclick #survival #fangame #horror #other #fnaf #levelEditor #MapMaker #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Okay folks. No going back. I have published the most recent test build to the page. Please manage expectations as the game is still WIP. This game changes every five minutes and everything is liable to change, especially with feedback.

For a while, I've released the game's early test builds to people in the discord so that people know they are getting an early version of the game. Would people like them to be available here too?

  15 votes Voting finished

A meaty new alt skin for you.

Quick tease of some new test build features.

Help Wanted: Is there anyone out there that is experienced in blender and wanting to help make models for the game? This project has been a one-person effort for so long, and I cannot keep it this way, as development takes forever. Message if interested.

Some test wolf test skins ready to go :) all the waypoint stuff is ready to go. Now the animatronic work can begin.

So after days of hammering at the keyboard, I've been able to get animatronics to save with their waypoint data. The issue? The menu that displays the info isn't keeping up. Easily fixed and then onto some AI.


Here's a very quick look at waypoint conditions, which now has a single example condition working. This waypoint will only allow an animatronic to move to it when power is below a given value.

Righty, update for you folk. Still here, still kicking. Caught Covid and am still trying to find a new job. Animatronic AI system is very nearly ready for testing. I'll have some more to show soon. Thanks for hanging in there.

What's going on?