
Comments (32)

What do you think?

how is the progress going?

This game is going to be great amazing work on this game so far good job

Wait, I think you stole an idea from Stefan25897 (

Wouldn't it be easier to call it something else, like TRtF: Reworked?

the game looks pretty good

really peak!

Placeholder #fnaf


I have not done any work for past 3 days, this game is going on hiatus till I find motivation to work on it and Finish my side project, sorry if your dissapointed


I'm Back! Sorry for abandoning this game for almost a week, i just wanted to work on FSaLP 2.5.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I haven't worked on this game as much since I am focusing on FSaLP 2.5 rn, don't worry though, I am gonna comeback soon to this and finish the cams, so stay tuned!

Okay, the Game's sub title is Turbowarped now, I will update the Thumbnail Tommorow when I'll have time

Hello everyone, I need your help today, I wanna rename this game as โ€žRecodedโ€ is overused, my only idea is โ€žTurbowarpedโ€ but I donโ€™t know if that sounds that good so let me know what you think
