
Comments (57)

What do you think?

I really love this game so far, especially Sara and her team, they are really cool. I can't wait for more content from this game. Keep up the good work!

Hey I wanted to get your thoughts on a RWBY game I'm actualy working on. I really enjoyed playing your fangame and wanted to make one myself :D

Are grim supoos to not be encountered before getting to yins house in the huntrest life for me story ashely verlyint? sorry for bad spelling.

IS Adam taged as Immortal while fighting team CLEN? Reson im asking is becuse im at end game twon and doing alteinitve cutescein. and i dont want to be stuck in the battle if he is taged as immortal becuse of trying to win the fight . sorry for bad spelling also sorryfor puting a spioler in the comments.

I'm at "almost volume 4" and my game has stopped saving, I have saved the game about 159 times (I'm extremely paranoid) but now it's not letting me. I'm just wondering if anyone can help me before I have to give up on an over 16 hour save file. I cant save on my current save or any new save files. My computer has more than enough memory. Please help me.

Removed Oct 31st Feb 10th 2019...not writing another long description that no one is gonna read...

#fangame of RoosterTeeth's #RWBY.

#rpg #retro #storymode

RPG Maker MV...sorry.
If you're expecting great art...sorry.
If you're expecting good art...sorry.
If you're expecting a good game for the modern gamer...sorry...I'm stuck in the 90's/00''s long, and talky, and you'll need your imagination for the fine details.
If you're expecting a Team RWBY (or any other canon group) story...sorry...a lot of them are in it briefly, but not as major players.
If you're willing to put up with an OC're in for a treat...a first play through where you're engaged in the dialogue can easily run into 30-40 hours.

Scheduled updates are generally late Sunday nights.
Serious bugs will result in an update to fix them ASAP.


Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Mature Humor

v1.7.10 - bugfix/proofreading

That pretty much covers little, tiny change to one aspect of the story (backstory really)...not important.

v1.7.9 - The "last" scene has changed!

There's now a sequence from Team SPAZ's vacation between old end of content and the new one.

My ability to do absolutely nothing has reached new yeah...a month to write 2 sequences totaling 9 scenes.

v1.7.8 - Glitch-fest 2019...

I KNEW this would happen when I merged maps...

I tested to ensure things worked...but not full plays and NG+s...bad dev!

Make sure version # is right when you download..."processing" will probably take all day again...

v1.7.7 - Best laid plans...

I've been imagining Team SPAZ's vacation for at least a year...and then when I go to write it down...everything changes...hopefully for the better...Jade's a lot less involved than I'd originally planned...

v1.7.6 - It's been how long?

Too long for how little I changed for sure...

Gonna delete ~20 maps when this version goes live (having trouble with "processing" phase), if you're saved on 1 of those when the next version comes...strange things may happen.

1.7.5 - WILD/SPAZ bugs

The kind of thing that happens when you add stuff to early/mid-game years into development...

Start point selection was a thing before Team CLEN existed...updated it for them, Audry, Jennifer/Jessica...then forgot about it...

v1.7.4 - The Broken "What if..." Machine

Use of a switch shared with an entire storyline was a bad idea...especially when running through common scenes...

For future reference, autosave/save prompts should NOT pop up when viewing endgame scenes.

1.7.3 - The Nitpicker's Update

If you open the article, you'll see a huge list of tiny things changed during a couple play tests...and that's just ones I felt like writing down...

The 1 real bug is something that would fix itself a couple scenes later.

1.7.2 - It's always sunny in Haven

9 Team SPAZ scenes added...introducing their "B" Team POOR...and like 8 other random teams.

You make people up on the fly...decide to use them again...they need semblances and stuff...suddenly they're interesting...

1.7.1 - WILD and Crazi

2 new scenes for Team WILD, plus 1 moved in from unused section.

"Honor Among Thieves" variant now has Team CARR's scenes rather than them just showing back up after Volume 3.

Now to work on the 12-ish Team SPAZ scenes I want...